Donald's Duck (zu deutsch: Donalds Ente) ist ein Lied aus Staffel 5, welches die Bindung zwischen Donald und Dilly beschreibt. Es basiert auf der Episode Ein schlechter Scherz, die im englischen auch Donald's Duck heißt und benutzt Teile aus der Melodie von Donald und Douglas.
- I found a quacker in my tender.
- She was very, very tame,
- But she quacked all night and through the day.
- She was driving me insane.
- My driver and my fireman
- tried everything they know
- To shoo the quacker away from me,
- But she did not want to go.
- The quacker clearly loves me
- Was impossible to nab.
- So now we have befriended her.
- She rides inside my cab.
- She quacks in stations big and small.
- She quacks at people too.
- Now, everyone calls her "Donald's duck",
- But I call her my quackeroo!
- She makes me so happy
- With her little ways.
- So happy, it's true.
- Now, everyone calls her "Donald's duck",
- But I call her my quackeroo!
- Quacking here, quacking there
- she is quacking everywhere
- Quack, quack, choo, choo, choo,
- she's my little quackeroo.
- She's quacking here and there
- She's quacking everywhere
- Quack, quack, shoo, shoo, shoo.
- She's my quackeroo!
- Now everybody love's her
- They love to hear her quack
- But when we have to say goodbye
- they ask when she'll be back
- She's captured everybody's heart
- She knows just what to do.
- Now everyone calls her Donald's Duck
- But she's my quackeroo!
- She makes me so happy
- With her little ways.
- So happy, it's true.
- Now, everyone calls her "Donald's duck",
- But I call her my quackeroo!
- Quacking here, quacking there
- she is quacking everywhere
- Quack, quack, choo, choo, choo,
- she's my little quackeroo.
- She's quacking here and there
- She's quacking everywhere
- Quack, quack, shoo, shoo, shoo.
- She's my quackeroo!
- She's my quackeroo!
- She's my quackeroo!
- Thomas
- Edward
- Henry
- Percy
- Toby
- Duck
- Donald und Douglas
- Oliver
- Harold
- Sir Topham Hatt
- Lady Hatt
- Die Witwe Hatt
- Stephen Hatt
- Bridget Hatt
- Jem Cole
- Tom Tipper
- Ein schlechter Scherz
- Rusty hilft
- Lady Hatts Geburtstags Party
- George macht Mist
- Henry und der Spuk
- Henry geht Baden
- Olivers Entdeckung
- Sir Tophams Ferien
- Mach' jemand anders eine Freude
- Toad und das Rückwärstfahren